Monday, December 12th, 2005



Cynopsis: Kids!



Good morning. It’s Monday, December 12, 2005, and this is your first early morning Kids! briefing.

In a deal valued at $1.6 billion (plus assumption of debt), Paramount Pictures has agreed to acquire DreamWorks SKG. NBC Universal had been considered the frontrunner in buying the studio, but as that deal turned out to be a non-starter late last week, the deal was finalized with Paramount. Paramount will pick up the DreamWorks library, including Oscar-winning films Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator, as well as distribution rights to other titles including Shrek.

Vivendi Universal, TF1 and M6 have begun discussions concerning a potential merging of two French pay-TV channels Canal+ Group, a unit of Vivendi, and TPS, co-owned by TF1 and M6.  While no specific deal terms were released, should such an agreement come to pass the identities of both companies would be preserved.  If merged the companies hope to be in a more strategic position to go up against the ever increasing competition from telecommunications and internet companies.


Trinity Broadcasting Network will launch its new Smile of a Child Television Network on Christmas Eve.  At launch the network will be available in 13 US markets on digital TV.  Smile will offer Christian-themed programming specifically targeted to K2-12.  Programming on the network includes Kingdom Adventure (puppets & animation), Gina D’s Kids Club (target K2-6, live-action/animation), BJ’s teddy Bear Club & Bible Stories (animated), Retro News: A Blast from the Past (target K9-12, live-action), and Maralee Dawn & Friends (ventriloquist/puppets).  Smile was founded by TBN founders Jan and Paul Crouch.  Brenda Rossman is the network’s Programming Director.


Harvey Entertainment Company has entered into a distribution agreement with India’s Ultra Movie Channel Ltd., a home entertainment distributor.  Under the agreement Harvey Entertainment has granted Ultra Movie Channel the VCR/DVD and merchandising rights as well as the TV rights (cable, terrestrial and satellite) to several of its well-known cartoons/characters, Casper-the Friendly Ghost, Richie Rich, Hotstuff, Wendy-the Witch, Harman and Katnip.  The deal also affords Ultra Movie Channel with the rights to dub the series into different Indian languages.  Ultra merchandising plans include products such as stationery, greeting cards, games, toys, furnishing, gifts, and party products etc.  In addition to Harvey Ent., Ultra is also licensing partners with Agogo, Carlton International, Granada, Hit Entertainment and Kiddinx.

Disney Channel launched a new Playhouse Disney website targeted to preschool educators ( ) last week during the annual conference of the National Association of Education for Young Children.  The site is designed to provide educators with ideas and tools to encourage preschoolers to interact; the website is sectioned by student age as well as by skill level and themes.  Each month the site will feature new, developmentally age-appropriate activities that incorporate themes including family, health and safety.  In addition various Playhouse Disney characters will be integrated throughout the website and on printable activities.

Beginning today Radio KOL featuring host DJ Rick will broadcast the daily show all week, December 12-16, live on the web (3p) from Disney World.  In addition to interviews with stars including Hilary Duff, the show will visit various attractions and will also feature a call and win sweepstakes.


Weekend Box Office Estimates for kids/tweens/teens rated G, PG or PG-13; December 9-11, 2005:
The Chronicles of Narnia (Buena Vista) PG         Opening weekend $67.1m
Harry Potter-Goblet of Fire (Warner Bros) PG-13 $10.3m-4 wk total $244.1m
Walk the Line (Fox) PG-13                                    $5.8m-4 wk total $77.0m
Yours, Mine and Ours (Paramount) PG                $5.2m-3 wk total $40.9m
Aeon Flux (Paramount) PG-13                              $4.6m-2 wk total $20.3m
Just Friends (New Line) PG-13                             $3.9m-3 wk total $26.5m
Pride and Prejudice (Focus Features) PG             $2.5m-5 wk total $26.4m
Chicken Little (Buena Vista) G                              $2.3m-6 wk total $127.2m
Rent (Sony / Revolution) PG-13                            $2.0m-3 wk total $26.9m
The Polar Express – IMAX (Warner Bros.) G         $946,000-3 wk total $3.8m
Source: Box Office Mojo

US Postmaster General John E. Potter (no relation to Harry, at least that I know of) has announced that Americans will see modest increase in postage rates to $.39 as of January 8, 2006, despite the US Postal Services’ strong fiscal performance in 2005.  However, perhaps to soothe some of the pain of higher prices, Potter also unveiled the upcoming 2006 year in stamps that will include:

  • First up in January is the Favorite Children’s Book Animals sheet of 16 stamps. Books included in the sheet are Wild Thing (Where the Wild Things Are/Maurice Sendak); Curious George (Curious George Flies A Kite/Margaret & H.A. Rey); Wilbur (Charlotte’s Web/Garth Williams); Frederick (Frederick/Leo Lionni); Olivia (Olivia/Ian Falconer), and Fox in Socks (Fox in Socks/Dr. Seuss).
  • To celebrate Black History Month the Hattie McDaniel stamp will be issued in January/February.  McDaniel was the first African American actress to receive an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress for her role in Gone with the Wind (1939).
  • April will see the issuing of the Art of Disney: Romance set of four stamps, which will feature Mickey and Minnie, Lady and the Tramp, Cinderella and Prince Charming, and Beauty and the Beast.
  • DC Comics Super Heroes will be released summer 2006 in a pane of 20 stamps, with 10 featuring portraits of DC Comic’s heroes (Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Plastic Man, Supergirl, Superman and Wonder Woman), and the other half will depict individual comic book covers featuring the super heroes.

Still on the topic of postage, two sets of stamps honoring the 10th anniversary of Neon Genesis Evangelion manga will be issued in Japan.  A limited number of both sets will be issued and orders are being accepted until December 18, 2005, though the stamps won’t be officially issued until February, 2006.


Brian Behling has been named Associate Producer/Star Farm Productions. Behling will oversee production Star Farm’s Edgar & Ellen animated series and 6 holiday specials.  Previously, Behling was a Production Supervisor/Disney & DreamWorks for a dozen years, where he worked on feature film including Pocahontas, Hercules, Dinosaur, Spirit, Sinbad, Shark Tale, and the upcoming 2006 release Flushed Away.  Star Farm Productions is based in Chicago.

As if there wasn’t enough DreamWorks news already, in an effort to support of its strategy to produce two CG films per year as well as direct-to-video movie releases DreamWorks Animation has named two new members of its production studios and promoted another. 

  • John Batter has been named as a Sr. Production Executive.  Batter returns to DreamWorks Animation after 6-yrs at Electronic Arts, where he most recently served as GM/EA’s Redwood Shores studio, overseeing the development of the James Bond, Lord of The Rings, Knockout Kings, Freekstyle and Tiger Woods PGA Tour franchises. 
  • Jane Hartwell has been promoted to Head of Global Production.  She is responsible for all aspects of physical production for DreamWorks Animation.  Hartwell joined DreamWorks in 1996 and was most recently Head of Digital Production of the Glendale studios and in 2004 assumed the additional responsibility for productions at the Redwood City compound as well. 
  • Nancy Bernstein has been named as Head of Production for the studio’s Glendale campus, where she is overseeing all aspects of physical production in Glendale and reports to Hartwell.  Bernstein joins the company from Digital Domain where she led the studio’s feature effects production on What Dreams May Come and I, Robot, and was Visual Effects/Executive Producer on films including The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, A Beautiful Mind, and Aeon Flux.


Kids Cable Network Averages in thousands (000) for Thursday, December 8, 2005, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:            K2-11 1185; K6-11   541; TWEENS 9-14 410
DISNEY CHANNEL:       K2-11   687; K6-11   362; TWEENS 9-14 272
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   643; K6-11   379; TWEENS 9-14 292
TOON DISNEY:              K2-11   153; K6-11     66; TWEENS 9-14   50
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to yesterday’s trivia question:
  If you were to work for McMahon and Tate Advertising Agency, who might you run into at the coffee machine?
DARRIN STEVENS of  BEWITCHED   Kudos to:   Steve Matela-Eurocinema

Today’s Trivia Question Today:  Who was the girl in the red Ferrari driving Clark Wilhelm Griswold, Jr. crazy? (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone with your answer. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later —

Gwen Billings for Cynthia Turner’s Cynopsis Kids!
12/12/05 – 3:44a
Cynopsis Ad Sales – Barbara Shapiro – 203-583-1224 / [email protected]
Classified Ad Sales – Trish Pihonak  – 203.381-9096 / [email protected]

Cynopsis: Kids podcast available for download each morning by 645a at or via iTunes 4.9 listed in the podcast directory under “News”  as well as under Yahoo Podcast

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Copyright Cynthia Turner 2005

Cyn opsis  CLASSIFIEDS —

JOB OPENING: CORP COMM MGR/NY: BA in PR/Comm. pref’d w/5 yrs prof. exp. Dev. presentations. Strong org, oral/written skills. Knwlg of pitch proc & Cable/Media a +  Prof. in MS PP, Excel & Access. Res: [email protected] (12/17)

JOB OPENING: SR SALES ANALYST/NYC: Accountable for ESPN/ABC Sports Advertising Sales Rate cards for various ESPN/ABC Sports networks. Learn more & apply online: ESPN (12/16)

JOB OPENING: FILM & VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHER/NBC UNIVERSAL: Exp w/Arri, Panasonic & Sony Cam. 1-4 yrs TV/film advtg & promo exp. keyword #451493  (12/16)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/ BA & 1-3 years research exp in syndication/distribution. Int’l. exp a plus. keyword job # 448942 (12/16)

JOB OPENING: NBC Universal:  VP, MEDIA & ADVERTISING SALES – domestically syndicated properties. Must have BA w/6+ years media sales exp. in Central Region. Apply online: Keyword #450824. (12/16)

JOB OPENING: USA Network: SENIOR WRITER/ PRODUCER  Big ideas, smart execution. Write, edit & produce on air promos. Must have 5-7 yrs promo exp at a TV network. Apply online: Keyword # 451347.(12/16)

JOB OPENING: WRITER PRODUCER, ON-AIR PROMO, OLN, NYC-Write/produce compelling promos that support network brand. Nat’l cable/TV exper, prior sports promo exper and short-form promo exper a must.  See Resume/Salary: [email protected] (12/16)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR SCHEDULER, OLN,Stamford, CT- Schedule all on-air and internet promos and handle contractual obligations. 1-2 yrs prior exp req’d.See Resume/Salary: [email protected] (12/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR ON-AIR PROMO/OLN/NY:Mng on-air promo prod concept/completion, while maintaining ntwrk brand positioning. Prof short-form promo exper w/ major nat’ l sports prgrmg a must. Resume/Salary: [email protected] (12/15)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR RESEARCH, OLN-Stamford  Provide research support to all depts.  7+ yrs exp nat’l cable/broadcast tv & sports exp req’d. More info: Resume/Salary: [email protected] EOE/AA/Drug (12/15)

JOB OPENING: SR. EDITOR, INTERACTIVE/ NY: 5 yrs editorial + 3 yrs online exp. Supervise site updates. Oversee website & editorial projects. Basic Web tech & light HTML reqd. keyword job # 439380  (12/15)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST to SVP/GALAVISION-NYC: Permanent part-time/25 hrs wk,flex hrs OK. Must be organized, detail oriented. Strong excel + PP required. Apply: [email protected] Subj: EXEC ASST (12/15)

JOB OPENING: PUBLIC RELATIONS & MRKTNG MGR/Univision/NYC: Seeks person w/ 3/5 yrs exp in media/entertainment/broadcasting company. Send resumes to [email protected] (12/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR/CONSUMER RESEARCH/TW CABLE/Stamford CT:Will play key role in creation of leverageable consumer insights designed to positively impact strategic changes & significant bus. decisions. [email protected]  (12/14)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC MGR: LBM/LIME TV/NY: Dev & implement sched strategies for promo’s, infomercials & DR ads. Create daily logs, using BMS. Interact w/ on-air, program’g & ad sales depts. Traffic exp req’d. [email protected] (12/14)


JOB OPENING: Cablevision seeks PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT  in NYC. Assist Dir of Prod in creating production/program budgets.1+ yrs exp in entertainment req’d. BS/BA req’. Res to [email protected] w/1201CYN15700MRK in subject (12/13)

JOB OPENING: Cablevision seeks PRODUCTION MANAGER  for Fishkill, NY to manage commercial production process. 3-5 yrs TV production exp. Strong copy writing skills. Send res to [email protected] w/1130CYN15782MRK in subject (12/13)

JOB OPENING: Cablevision seeks an ACCOUNT EXEC for Fishkill, NY.Sell commercial and ad space on all local channels. 2+ yrs exp, preferably in tv/radio. Send res to [email protected] w/1130CYN16024MRK in subject. (12/13)

JOB OPENING: HEAD OF PRODUCTION. Production genius for busy NY-based indy prodn co. MUST have 10+ years experience as Head of
Production/EIC. Juggle many projects. Full package. Growth. Send & Paste. Resume: [email protected]  (12/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/The Outdoor Channel/NYC: Immediate opening for aggressive/self-starter w/ 3+ yrs. Nat’l sales experience.  Pls send resume to: [email protected] (12/13)


JOB OPENING: N’WORK CABLE ADMIN/Asst/BET Ad Sales NY: 2-3yrs exp. Must be det. oriented & have ability to multi-task in fast paced environment. Proficient in MS Word/Excel/PP. Exc oral/written skills.  [email protected]   (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. WRITER/PRODUCER SCI FI Channel, NBC Universal, NYC. Must have 5+ yrs Promo/Prod exp and college degree. Spot reel a must. keyword # 438660 (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/AMC & WE/LA– Support National Ad Sales Team with the daily sales and servicing of advertising clients. BA/BS pref. Good comm and org skills nec. resumes to [email protected]   (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/CBS Television Sales/LA: Assistant works with 2 Senior Account Executives inputting orders, resolving discrepancies, dealing with agencies, etc. Send cover letter & resume to: [email protected]   (12/13)

JOB OPENING: New reality show looking for EXP’D SD/HD Shooter Producers, Reality Field Producer, Prod Mgr, FCP Editors for fast paced production starting immediately, NYC Production. Resume to:  [email protected]    (12/13)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST DESIGNER/ Comedy Ctrl/NYC: Dev creative concepts, create show/network pckging; strong design sk; After Effects; thoro knwldge software, eg,  PhotoShop&Illustrator.  EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/13)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST, The Golf Channel / ORLANDO, FL. 3 yrs media research exp preferred. Day-to-day will use NPOWER; Market Breaks; StarTrak. Golf exp. not mandatory. EOE. M/F/D/V Fax to: 407.363.7976. No calls please. (12/13)

WINTER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here.  They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only.  For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PLUM TV, Hamptons, NY needs local INTERNS to assist with running TV station. GREAT opportunity to learn all aspects of TV business. Send Resume to: [email protected] (12/17)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLYKPI, busy NYC doc prod house seeks INTERNS . Assist all aspects: Dev to delivery of pgms. Fun, fast paced environment. Current Juniors/seniors encouraged. Credit only. Stipend for meals/travel. Resume: [email protected]  (12/14)

Winter Internship Credits Only: MOW, TV, and feature production company,seeks a DEVELOPMENT INTERN. In addition to administrative duties intern will have the opportunity to be creatively involved. Please resume to [email protected] (12/13)


SITUATION WANTED: POST HOUSE PRODUCTION COORDINATOR /NYC based USC Grad: Professional exp in all aspects of film and TV looking to move into producing.  Intelligent, passionate, leaves no stone unturned. Email: [email protected] (12/16)

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING COORDINATOR. Ambitious & outgoing with 1.5 yrs exp in Retail Mrktng & Event-Planning, 1 yr exp in cosmetics sales. bi-lingual Spanish/English, eager to work hard in challenging position! [email protected] (12/14)

SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH/MARKETING professional seeks media/tv position in NYC area. Experienced with Nielsen software, MS Word, Excel, Ppt. Hard working,motivated, strategic thinker. Email: [email protected]  (12/13)

SITUATION WANTED: ASSISTANT/PA Attentive and ambitious NYU grad with dynamic experience seeking assistant job in New York.  Very pro-active, creative, and talented.  Contact:  [email protected] (12/13)

SITUATION WANTED: Recent Dramatic Writing BFA grad seeking PA positions in NYC. Smart+ genuinely excited to learn. Interned w/ Nick Prod + Dev + just finished PAing on new NBC show ‘The Book of Daniel.’ Email: [email protected] (12/13)

SITUATION WANTED: Award Winning Network EXECUTIVE PRODUCER seeking position at prod co.or network.Expert in Prgrmng, Dev.& Management. Recently received an MBA.Very pro-active. Willing to relocate. Contact [email protected]  (12/30)

E-mail [email protected] for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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