Twitter released new research on its gaming enthusiasts, who sent a collective 84 million gaming Tweets in 2015, according to Crimson Hexagon. Overall, the company revealed that 65% of people on the platform say they play video games, while 55% of those users say they regularly play console games. Overall, 85% of Twitter gamers spend money on video games, up over 76% of non-Twitter gamers, according to the study, and are 1.25 times as likely to spend over $100 on video games per year as non-Twitter gamers. Interestingly, 78% of them researched a game or console as a result of following a gaming handle.
As a result, Twitter announced best practices to connect with gamers on the platform: build anticipation prior to trailer drops; tap into and drive the conversation between trailer drops and game releases; use a conversational tone; leverage game play for your content; and amplify your TV campaign with Twitter.