Amid the new season of games on NFL Network, the channel has launched a dramatic shift in its programming plays. Opening the door to a slate of unscripted reality series that include Finding Giants and UNDRAFTED (which has been drawing over a million viewers in recent weeks), the network is looking to shift to a deeper connection with its audiences.
Cynopsis Sports spoke with Ron Semiao, Vice President of Programming for NFL Network who joined following a long run as a programming executive at ESPN, about the show shift and the future of the network.
Semiao on the decision to move to NFL Network: Overall, the opportunity to once again work with former ESPN colleagues Mark Quenzel and Steve Bornstein, two people I admire and respect very much. In particular, the NFL is a leader in producing the best sports entertainment in the world with a goal of reaching the broadest possible audience. How cool is that?
On the programming mantra: We developed the following theme to keep in mind as we decide what to program and when to program it: The Overall Controlling Theme is presenting the NFL as: An association of enduring and cooperating individuals who stay connected through a community of interests, a clearly marked identity and a recognized purpose – for the good of pro football.
The unscripted reality genre has proven to be a successful one in the world of sports and specifically the NFL. Hard Knocks is probably the best example. Outside of the games, fans want to have the opportunity to explore the lives of athletes both on and off the field and unscripted reality allows that vantage point. As the only network devoted to the NFL 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we are the ideal home for reality series such as UNDRAFTED that tell the stories of these great athletes.
On the success of Finding Giants and UNDRAFTED: We’ve had some really nice success with both series. The past few episodes of UNDRAFTED have attracted an audience of over a million viewers so we’re starting to see fans become aware of these programs and slowly build a loyal audience.
On NFL Now: With the launch of our new digital video network this season, NFL Now, we now have the ability house select NFL Media shows and clips in a digital environment where fans can watch them when, where, and how they want. Everyone is aware of the changing consumer habits when it comes to media consumption so it is really important that we offer our fans as many options as possible to access our content. Both Finding Giants and UNDRAFTED are available through NFL Now and this type of delivery is an important part of our programming strategy going forward.
On the road ahead: We are looking to expand our authentic unscripted content and we have a significant content initiative surrounding the upcoming Super Bowl 50 Celebration.