04/09/15: POP and A&E

A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM NBCUNIVERSAL Oxygen | very real Can Looking to connect with hard to reach MILLENNIAL WOMEN? Look to Oxygen. Two-thirds of Oxygen’s W18-49 audience are W18-34 (source) real matters | to young women NBCU LIFESTYLE GROUP | LIFE. TO THE FULLEST. Connections. Communities. Commitment. together.nbcuni.com. CYNOPSISBACKSTAGE BEHIND THE SCENES at […]

A&E 2013

A+E networks held a dazzling upfront at Lincoln Center last night, packed with stars from all of its networks’ shows, including Duck Dynasty, Project Runway, and Vikings. We’re talking Chloe Sevigny (she was one of the few actresses we saw actually eating at the reception – yay!), Eva Longoria (the EP of Lifetime’s new Devious […]

