Betsy Rella is an impassioned market researcher whose career has followed the evolution of media from TV to Digital, and now Big Data Analytics. She is an effective strategist and big-‐picture thinker, while also possessing the ability to distill big data down to the most salient points and provide actionable insights and recommendations.
Rella developed a foundational data analytics skills working at signature media brands (e.g. ABC, MTV, Lifetime) utilizing syndicated third party data and custom data to provide diagnostics, prove the value of the brand, and increase market share. She moved over to the agency side in 2010 (Ipsos) where she focused solely on custom research studies for major media clients.
She then transition back to the client side at The Weather Channel, which gave her extensive experience with cross-‐platform ad effectiveness solutions, and designing new ad products enabling third-‐party campaign measurement.
Rella is now building on that experience at TiVo Research by matching TV and Digital datasets with purchase data, exposure data, and CRM; thus enabling integration with Data Management Platforms, Demand Side Platforms, and Supply Side Platforms to further align data with media investment.